Here are the prons & cons of each course

Full Time Filmmaker

Tomorrows Filmmaker

Full Time Filmmaker is the online course made by Parker Walbeck

Tomorrows Filmmaker is the course create by Justus McCranie.

ftf pros

Comprehensive curriculum

Self-paced, online format

access to Private facebook group

ftf cons

1. Limited focus

"Full Time Filmmaker" focuses primarily on freelance videography, which may not be as useful for aspiring filmmakers who are interested in other areas of the industry.

ftf cons

2. High Cost

FTF cost around $997. Which is really a high amount to pay for someone who's just getting started.

Tomorrows Filmmaker

Huge video Library of 1200+ videos

All Cinema Courses

In depth business section



The biggest pros of tomorrow's filmmaker is it's price. it just cost $97



1. Content quality

Although they provide good quality content, still it's not as good as Full Time Filmmaker content.

Tomorrows Filmmaker


2. too much content

Yeah! It's pros can also be its cons. Having too many videos to watch can be overwhelming. It's like watching bunch of YouTube videos.

Tomorrows Filmmaker

biography of

parker walbeck

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